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Welcome to the Queen Mary History Journal Blog !

Welcome to the new blog of the Queen Mary History Journal!

We have decided to relaunch our blog to showcase more informal and creative work related to History. Along with additional essays surrounding the theme of the Journal's current edition, the blog can include anything from academic book reviews and source analyses to photographs, artwork and interviews. Staff, students and alumni from all schools are invited to contribute to what will hopefully become a vibrant and wide-ranging blog.

In posting every fortnight, we look forward to sharing with you exhibition reviews, film ratings and historical debate responses to current questions. You'll also find out more about new projects by academics in the School of History as we interview them about their current research.

To get your own byline by making a blog submission, please email me at I look forward to seeing your contributions on this creative historical platform.

- Avin Houro, Head Blog Editor





We welcome blog submissions from any student, History or otherwise, as long as the content is generally historically relevant and engaging. Submissions can range from any academic piece of writing as well as informal, but must be well written. We also encourage any artistic and creative submissions. 

Please email journal submissions to Dhamin, our Head Blog Editor,

For general inquiries, please contact

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